Where to start hmm. Let me crap about the water crisis. I think pipes around Sepang really fragile man. Like on cue, every few weeks gotta burst. Then we all habis la, carry pail here carry pail there. One slip, break our back, sue Syabas, what do we get? Lifetime free water supply. Okay some would say wu liao but, I don't care, wahaha.
Blablabla so on Valentine's Day, all of us single people, decided to go to Gold Coast(I miss Australia's Gold Coast), SEPANG LA HELLO. So we(okay the girls) tried to stay dry, but of course, they ain't no such thing as staying dry at the beach with me and Joel around =D Everyone got wet sooner or later and Joey got a nice facial mud mask from me*evil laugh* We played Kejar-Kejar(that is the official Malaysian name for Tag) or some know it as Aci Kejar or Aci Duduk. It was quite fun and tiring. Then more games n games.
Then went for dinner, had no water to shower ourselves so we went to eat without bathing. Then headed back to the beach. Played Truth or Dare and got to uncover some secrets(which will be left at the beach and in our memories) and some crazy dares(this one DEFINATELY will be left on the beach lol). Then got a lil lazy and started to bury Beh, ManSeeNizer and Felicia. This blog read by decent people, so I won't post the pics of them buried under the sand(for some reasons). Ghost stories next, guitar playing, angel and devils game, then we walked the entire beach. Me and Joel and Keshan carried people on our backs(this all happened from 12am-3am)
Around 3am++ every1 kinda KO liao. So all tried to sleep on the sand(without mats or blankets or anything, without showering, without changing our clothes since we came) but to no avail. Only Joel could snore away in those harsh conditions HAHA. After that around 5am-6am we decided to go back to the makan place and have breakfast. The guys all bought 3L of mineral water and had a shower??? at an alley. That was one of the most pathetic baths I ever had but it was refreshing. The girls, well, they still looked good. But the smell! Nah they didn't smell la. Everyone was dead tired when the van finally came at like 7am. That was really one hell of a night. Very fun but super tiring.
CF Retreat at Port Dickson
A whole bunch of us went down to Port Dickson for our very own KTT's Christian Fellowship Retreat 2009~! Sadly only 3 guys from KTT went and Colin from Nilai International College joined us as well as Sam from the US and Robert right? LOL sorry if I got your name wrong.

Played Ultimate Frisbee on the 1st day. Sad to say we lost, quite badly HAHA. We had a few sessions on Leadership and the attributes of a leader and leading people in a Christ-like manner(I'm not that good in explaining these). Our CF now are actually sharing what we learnt there and its really valueble so I urge you guys to come for CF these few weeks.

Then we had the burger which according to LiYan would drip sauce until our elbows. It was really good and super filling. I still can remember me and Sarah both being greedy pigs and ordered double beef special with cheese. We were practically stuffing it into our mouths, forcing it in.
Then Felicia's surprise birthday celebration! She could'nt stop laughing. Reminded me of when she got buried in sand at Gold Coast. Kept laughing and laughing and laughing. At least she was happy on her birthday haha. We got our CF TEE SHIRTS! WOOHOO! Every1 I recommend them to you! Although its priced at RM25, its really reasonable! It's made from Lycra which is super comfortable, its like half cotton half jersey material. Really nice.

Us modelling the CF Tee =D Felicia Tee. Haha.

Us modelling the CF Tee =D Felicia Tee. Haha.
Next day, water balloon game was kinda anti climax. Cause the team that lost, gets to kena thrown at with water balloons. And it was super hot, ALL OF US WANTED TO LOSE! Hahahahahaha~!

Long story short, straight to the interesting part! BANANA BOAT! We were all getting our tan nicely then out of nowhere BOOM, BAM, KADINGZA(say what?), Super Daniel appears! Okay that was Daniel's fantasy but, 2 guys in a boat with a banana looking thingy in tow appears over the horizon. This banana boat really tested our determination, strength and character. Real team building ride. Some of them later told us, they thought they were gona die, and their life flashed before them when we fell into the water. At 1st we were screaming like mad and told the guy "Jatuhkan kita 6 kali!", after the first fall, there was a dead silence except "TAK MAU JATUH!" hahahaha! The 1st time really tiring and for those who havent been overturned in water before, a frightful experience.

Food was good, barbeque was quite nice and worship was awesome. I heard a lotta new songs and i kinda like the one "I Love You, Jesus" Really nice song.

And that was the retreat. Sarah, Cheng and me had really terrible sunburn. Skin peeling and all. I'm like nomore kopi-susu(like Ziqah said long time ago) but more like Kopi-O. T_T Hope I become fair again.

Ponggal Charity Night 2OO9
This event, let the pictures do the talking la. Haha.
Sunway Piramid(again)
We headed down to Sunway again. Let the pics do the talking. Too lazy to write.
Went to the bar Republic next and we broke a sofa. All of us rushed into the bad and just make dunno haha. We have left our mark at Republic! hahaha. Sarah ordered 'Sex on the Beach' which was really nice, Joel had my fav Baileys and we had beer. Played cards there till the van came, then balik KTT.
Hmm just wanted to point out that Dentistry is NOT 2nd rate compared to Medicene. I think most Malaysians would say Medicene is better. I beg to differ. This short holidays, I've been told 3 times "Oh Dentistry also okay what" by people. Like wtf? Hello its not ALSO okay, it IS okay! Well my mum did warn me about people giving Dentist a 2nd rating but heck, I really don't wana be a doctor sooo, tadaa.
Lastly wana wish all those seniors goodluck in India, 1 year bound, all the best A2! India bound, Pre-AS and AS all the best! Hope we all study like the nerds we are and score!